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Las Marias Estate is the newest farm of the Giraldo family. Jose was intentionally looking for a farm with high elevation, surrounded by native forest and with luminosity conditions that would bring out the best quality of the most exotic coffee varietals. Pijao, Quindio is a super small town in the heart of the Andes Mountains, a quiet and peaceful place. In his search for land Jose discovered Las Marias, a farm which had been abandoned for more than 20 years covered in overgrown grass and invasive plants, but there were some rare cherries in the middle of that mess.

7.000 Trees of around 70 years old in an unkempt condition. They recovered those Typica trees and started selection of the best genetics they wanted to grow in Las Marias. Of course the Geisha was the crown jewel of what they wanted to grow there, they got the seeds from Panama and took great care of those delicate trees. For this Rio Dulce Double Washed Lot only the best selections of the Geisha Genetics in Las Marias were picked. Picked in the perfect ripe moment when the brix grade was > 22 they are then sent to the Cafe 1959 Facilities at La Clarita Drying station. The coffee is then pulped and put  into closed tanks for a 24hr anaerobic fermentation . After this initial fermentation the tank is opened, the coffee washed  and put into a dry closed tank for a second 24 hr fermentation. Finally it is washed again, rinsed and put onto raised drying beds. 

Filter, Espresso, and Pourover

Colombia - Las Marias Rio Dulce Geisha | Washed - 100g

Colombia - Las Marias Rio Dulce Geisha | Washed - 100g

Regular price $24.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $24.00 CAD
Sale Sold out
This Geisha coffee is soft, sweet and elegant with notes that remind us of:
  • Pomelo
  • Pear
  • Caramel
  • Jasmine
  • White Grape

Coffee Details


RegionPijao, Quindio

FarmsLas Marias

OwnerGiraldo Family



Elevation1950 MASL

ProcessDouble Washed

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