This lot brings together 15 producers from the Huehuetenango region in Guatemala. These producers are improving the quality of their coffee year after year but still do not have the means to be able to sell their coffees as a single lot. Since the quality of their coffees are similar a blend has been created to showcase a regional profile.
Thanks to the extra quality of these lots, the Primavera can pay a higher price for them allowing the producers to improve their facilities to achieve more effective production and quality.
Primavera strives to increase engagement and improve communication with producers so they are able to influence the key decisions that result in an extraordinary cup of coffee.
In Guatemala, they have agronomists who work with producers in the field and provide them with technical assistance and guidance on coffee growing and farm management. They also have two certified Q-Processing professionals who work with producers on post-harvest processing, providing individualized advice based on the needs of each producer and their environment.
They are a company committed to continued quality improvements, training, and long-term partnerships, so their farmer partners will be able to secure higher prices and we will have access to better coffee with high marks in transparency and social and environmental sustainability.
We are happy to be working with them year on year.