Dinkalem Ademe has built a reputation for quality at his two wet mills in Keffa (in Wush Wush and Dinbira). He and his wife, Sofia, live nearby in Wush Wush, with Dinkalem overseeing and managing activities at his wet mill there.
The 2010 UNESCO declaration naming Ethiopia’s montane forests as biome preserves led to the adoption of a nationwide policy of participatory land management. By incentivizing the responsible economic use of forests for the purposes of agriculture—such as coffee production—the government hoped to protect and preserve remaining forests. At his washing station in Wush Wush, Dinkalem collects cherry from some 2,500 smallholders who grow coffee in their gardens as well as foragers who harvest wild cherry from the forests of Keffa.
Resting time: 2-3 weeks
Filter Brew : 1:15, 92C, 3min
Espresso: 1:2.2-2.4, 90-92c, 27-30s