August 4 2024 - Sept 12 2024
The Axola Cooperative was founded in 1989 with 36 founding members, and has grown to 150 members over the years. They are based in the community of Petatan and work together to market and sell their high quality coffee. The members are both men and women, and as a group they prioritize the participation of women and seek to improve the quality of life of all members of the families who are involved with the group. They also prioritize the environmental and social wellbeing of the community as part of their mission.
In 2020, the cooperative was able to obtain a certification through MAYACERT to celebrate the coffees that are produced by women farmers. The cooperative, men and women alike, wanted to acknowledge the role of women in the value chain and reduce the economic risks for women that participate in producing coffee. The seal is called “Con Manos de Mujer” or “With a Woman’s Hands.” The work goes beyond coffee production and seeks to improve women’s access to formal education, prevent violence against women, and promote women’s leadership and rights in the community. Of the group’s 150 members, 43 are women that are certified to produce coffee Con Manos de Mujer.