Mini Cube Coffee Scale 2.0 by MHW-3BOMBER is a smart scale in a now smaller design that can be used for both espresso and pourover. High accuracy and a fast sensor allow you to brew very precisely when you need to and the small form factor makes it especially useful for pulling espresso shots.
Size - 10.4cm x 10.4cm x 1.9cm. It is similar size to the Acaia Lunar scale.
- Material: ABS panel / LED screen / Silicone
- Accuracy:0.1g
- Weighing Range: 0.3g-2000g
- Waterproof panel (please avoid liquid from entering crevices and charge ports)
- Silicone mat which is water proof, anti-slip and heat resistant
- Dust-proof ports
- Power: 3.7v / 1500mAh - USB-C charging
- Usable Temperatures: direct contact -10C to 55C, With silicone mat -20C to 100C
- Touch Sensitive button
- Weight: 250g
- made in China
- Automatic sensing, when the physical switch is on but the scale is in sleep mode, it can automatically wake up when an object greater than 100g is placed on the scale. This process takes 2 seconds.
- easy switch the sound on/off
- timer button is on the right and Tare button is on the left
- Smart mode allows for automatic weighing when the scale detects the start of liquid being poured
Looking for a bigger Cube Scale? --> Click here